29 May 2009

Hula Hooping!

Wooo! I got my weighted hula hoop today. I love it but I really need more space to practice. I think I'm really going to get into this... working out that is actually fun.

I already have bruises on my sides though. Ouch.

No pain no gain.

26 May 2009

Mmm... celery

I do actually like celery. But it's a bit boring on it's own.

I need to go shopping.

24 May 2009

Is Coconut Oil Magic Or Something?

I keep reading about how wonderful coconut oil is, extra virgin coconut oil to be precise. The non-refinedness of it makes it good stuff I think.

Anyway, I have some so I'll do a little experiment. It's supposed to give you lots of energy and promote weight loss.

We'll see.

23 May 2009

I Wobble Therefore I Wibble

I can be crap at being healthy and my mind and body are evidence of this.

I'm not a total mess, thank goodness, but I'm not what I once was. I wasn't perfect, but I was healthier, I felt better, fitter and happier.

And I DO wobble. I wobble horribly.

22 May 2009

Good Evening!

Well hello there and welcome to my little spot on the world wide web.